Business Strategy

Any marketing or business plan begins with structured strategic planning. As it requires comprehending the entire company’s working process, it is put at the top of the management hierarchy. Accurate business strategic inputs can provide your corporation with steady growth. Often a functional organisation system renders ineffective and needs to be restructured into SBUs (Strategic Business Units). But this decision to create separate elements of the company is highly risk-prone and should be made only by industry experts.

Predetermining the results of steps that are yet to be taken is one of our expertise. We frame effective strategic management inputs by analysing data collected from both the internal members and external peers. This way, every decision taken regarding your business, such as pricing, productivity, etc., is future proof.

Our business strategy experts inculcate unique perspectives in your growing business, directing it effectively towards your goals. It is seen that feasible strategies work better for small and midscale companies than complex strategic inputs.

We believe in complete services are as good as availing none at all. Thus, we offer end-to-end strategic support, ensuring the best results for your business. The services we provide are:

Business Forecast vs Business Plan

Our experts have developed a keen understanding of the market’s movements and incorporate this knowledge to forecast future results. For every business plan, we formulate there is a forecast of expected outcomes to visualise what is waiting for your company.

Pricing Inputs

With our business strategic inputs, we help you determine the most profitable price of your goods or services. We use methods like COGS or cost of goods sold, your product’s value to your target customers, evaluating your competitor’s price, etc., to determine the most accurate pricing strategy.

Preparation of Operational and Strategic Plans

One must create an effective operational plan explaining your present standpoint and future visions if you want to get the desired outcome. We act as your consultant and provide a meticulous Strategic plan incorporating your objectives, required activities to be delivered, a clear timetable, and your company’s other requirements. 

Business Processes Standardisation

We will amalgamate different processes of dealing with the same issue in your company and offer you the best possible solution. While different stages of a company might require a different approach, our unified solution will be applicable all across your organisation, making it more practical to reduce trial and errors. 

Sensitivity Analysis for Key Revenue & Cost Drivers

As your Business Strategy Consultant, we use the tool of sensitivity analysis for financial modeling when your business’s output is unclear. Using this Black Box Process, we bring out straightforward solutions to complex problems.

Identification and Driving Productivity Initiatives

While many business owners are aware of where their company’s potential lies, many are clueless.We help you recognise your company’s strength and suggest steps towards greater productivity and profit.

Periodical MIS and Analytics

We will conduct frequent MIS (Management Information System) analysis and use its data to evaluate what kind of changes should be made in the company. Our technicians will create a report containing detailed information and use the results to administrate the company.

Any decision you make for your company has the potential to change its course both positively and negatively. It is only with experience one can understand the crux of finance and business strategies.

Why Me?

Entrepreneurs and MSMEs usually lack a dedicated strategy development team. While you are looking after the executive responsibilities, the absence of a CFO or business unit head can hinder your success.

We present every input strategy that we develop to you as advice, and you are the final decision-making authority. We do not formulate solutions behind closed doors but use practical day-to-day knowledge to optimise its usability. The effectiveness of strategic planning inputs depends on the development process. Thus, we tend to use a thorough process of meticulous analysis and comprehension.

We provide business strategic inputs after brainstorming through every possible information related to your enterprise. With us, you get to complete the team and develop strategies for the long run. Our experts understand the changing nature of the market and only provide responsive solutions.

Our More Services

IamyourCFO is a team of industry experts who act as a financial consultant and partner in overall growth of the organization. The main aim of the company is to become the Partner in Growth, which is why the services are designed to cater from the very establishment of a company.

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